Archive for ‘jewelry’

April 4, 2011

Kate Spade :: Wedding Belles (and whistles)

This is an exciting week at Leftover Lemons. Still recovering from the wedding shower last weekend (detail pictures to come this week!!!) and pulling together the final details for the Vintage Fresh style shoot — this weekend I was a busy girl! The style shoot went off without a hitch, thanks to the help of my wonderful hubby, our amazing Bella Pop peeps, and a new friend, Shannon Caldwell, who rocked makeup and hair for the event. Look forward to a sneak peek this week of all the style goodness!

For today, another shopping distraction .. Kate Spade debuted their wedding line, Wedding Belles (and whistles), last week. The collection boasts bright colors, little white dresses, and lots of killer shoes! The wide selection of jewelry would make a statement at any occasion! There’s a yellow necklace on the sight that has my name all over it. Pop over and take a look – spring has arrived.

March 14, 2011

Coral Ring :: Accessorize

I came across Erin McDermott‘s site the other day and fell. in. love.  The organic, natural feel that her designs have is breathtaking.  Every piece has it’s own personality and would serve to spice up your outfit, whatever the occasion may be.  The piece that caught my eye was this coral ring. What a beauté!